Marine development

The challenges facing maritime and sub-maritime product development, which includes the development of diving gear and equipment for underwater work, are vast.  During the process of developing and engineering technologies for these products, situations can arise in which the solutions may seem simple but are actually extremely complex.

Marine development and especially underwater development requires extensive experience and knowledge in and of the marine environment. From the outside, the development of a product for use in the marine environment may seem similar to a product’s development for land use.   Even to those already familiar with the development of a product for wet maritime use, the development of a product for underwater use might look more like a stage in the development for a wet environment. The truth is that the transition from developing a product to be used in a wet environment to use in an underwater environment is often more complex than the transition from a dry to a wet environment.

Maritime development includes dealing with enormous forces exerted at sea.  These forces include the powerful waves and currents on one hand and the immense pressure from the water itself on the other. In addition, maritime development must handle the impact of a variety of ingredients the sea encompasses.   For example, various salts create a great deal of wear on certain materials.   In fact, sometimes the combination of materials that make up a product can be the difference between success and failure.

The construction of a naval vessel that functions as expected is an important task.   Few companies take on this challenge themselves, as not even the most expensive weapons in the world compare in size to a submarine.   But, we at Alon Technologies are happy to provide services to maritime and sub-maritime development companies in diving and submarine work.   The experience we have accumulated over the years gives our customers peace of mind so they may continue to focus on what they do best. Trust Alon Technologies to provide you with the best engineering solutions for underwater products.